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Scotland: Edinburgh, Glasgow and surroundings
Text and photos: Eckart Winkler, Bad Nauheim, http://www.eckart-winkler.de
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...on the road - Travel reports and more
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Common and touristic Information about Great Britain


Cultural city Edinburgh with a famous castle, many museums and countless historic buildings - Glasgow City: George Square, St.Mungo Cathedral - Firth of Forth Bridge - Stirling - Culross - New Lanark

Travel data
Date of the journey1994, 2001
Duration7 days
Report online since02.11.2019


Edinburgh Castle Landmark of the city: Edinburgh Castle, here from the south.
Geoffrey Kiltmaker Geoffrey Kiltmaker: One of the traditional shops on the Royal Mile.
The People's Story "The People's Story" is only one of countless museums.
Ghost tours A ghost tour always belongs to the compulsory program.
Holyrood House Historically important: Holyrood House.
White Hart In the White Hart at Grassmarket Robert Burns is supposed to have drunk a beer.
Parthenon National Monument Landmark on Calton Hill: The Parthenon National Monument.

George Square George Square is the center of the city.
Robert Burns Here is the national poet Robert Burns. He's the one who wrote the famous song: Should auld acquaintance be forgot.
St.Mungo Cathedral But the largest point of interest is the Cathedral St.Mungo.
Friedhof von St.Mungo At its graveyard you find many famous names.
Typical street scene Typical street scene: It goes up and down.

... and the surroundings
Firth of Forth Bridge A Wonder of Engineering: The bridge over the Firth of Forth near Edinburgh is over 100 years old.
Wallace Monument With the Wallace Monument near Stirling the national hero William Wallace was honored.
Stirling Castle ... and this is Stirling Castle.
Culross The small town Culross has many nice corners and old houses.
Abtei von Culross ... and also an abbey.
New Lanark With the mills and weaving mills of New Lanark, something was done early on for workers' rights.

And what else was there
Bagpiper Only on festive occasions kilt and bagpipe are unpacked.
Highland Cattle Dangerous and aggressive it looks: The Highland Cattle, the Scottish national animal. It is completely harmless.


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