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Animal encounters in the western United States
Text and photos: Eckart Winkler, Bad Nauheim, http://www.eckart-winkler.de
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...on the road - Travel reports and more
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Common and touristic Information about USA


Animals that are not so common in Europe - Sea lions and elephants at the coast - Bears, moose and red deer in the woods - Coyotes in the desert - Marmots, bighorn sheep and mountain goats in the mountains

For us Europeans, the most fascinating thing about the Western United States is surely the overwhelming nature. In addition to the unique landscapes of course also include the animals. But there is one big difference between animal and landscape: the animals run away if you want to take pictures.

So that's not easy. Nevertheless, photographing animals is one of the tourists' favorite pastimes. And whenever there is an opportunity to take a picture, there are immediate crowds and traffic jams.

So, once you're in the car, it does not work out and you can not do anything but get out and hit the trigger. The results of these actions can be found here.

Another large part of the pictures was created on nature walks. Many other animals were seen so shortly that photographing was unfortunately impossible.

This page is meant to give you a glimpse of the diversity of wildlife that can be experienced in the western United States when you walk around the world with fairly open eyes.

Sea lions The sea lions are the attraction of Pier 39 in San Francisco.
Elephant seals At Point Piedras Blancas, near San Simeon, California, elephant seals feel at ease.
  The Cormorants on the 17-mile drive near Monterey, California settle on the rocks in the water and were still too far away for our telephoto lens.
Coyote Hungry, the coyote in the Joshua Tree National Park begs the tourists.
Blue Bird No idea what this bird is called. It exists in many places, including Canada.
  The hummingbirds in Zion National Park are very hard to photograph.
Black Bear The black bear in Sequoia National Park does not bother eating at all.
  The rattlesnake shortly thereafter we did not want to look so closely.
Mountain sheep The bighorn sheep in Capitol Reef National Park looks at least who's there.
Mountain goats A horde of mountain goats, also in Capitol Reef National Park.
Marmot This marmot is found in the great heights of Rocky Mountain National Park.
Bison herd The bisons are truly omnipresent in Yellowstone National Park.
  The pelicans were too far away to take pictures. They are present in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park.
Moose Much rarer you will meet the moose there
Wapiti Two Wapitis in Yellowstone National Park.
  The wolves in Yellowstone could only be heard during the nocturnal howl.
  Omnipresent are the squirrels. At the end of the journey, we noticed that we did not take a single picture of them.


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