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The Scotland Route
Text and photos: Eckart Winkler, Bad Nauheim, http://www.eckart-winkler.de
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...on the road - Travel reports and more
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Common and touristic Information about Great Britain


Glasgow - Kintyre - Inveraray - Oban - Insel Mull - Inverness - Speyside - Loch Ness - Durness - Inverness - Perth - Stirling - Edinburgh


Short Info

17 days Scotland as part of a trip to the United Kingdom. Arrival night bus London - Glasgow booked in London. Return journey by train Edinburgh - Newcastle (booked in Edinburgh) and ship Newcastle - Hamburg (previously booked at home). Traveling by public bus in Scotland, staying in bed and breakfast guesthouses.

The map


The route
TagPlace, routeActivityTravel Distance / Time
1.Tag Getting to Glasgow Journey 
2.Tag Glasgow City tour0 km, 0 h
3.Tag Glasgow - Tarbert (Kintyre)Journey150 km, 3.5 h
4.Tag Tarbert  0 km, 0 h
5.Tag Tarbert - InverarayHighland Games60 km, 1.5 h
6.Tag Inveraray - Oban Journey60 km, 1.5 h
7.Tag Oban Island tour Mull, Staffa, Iona80 km, 4 h
8.Tag Oban - Inverness Fahrt190 km, 3.5 h
9.Tag Inverness City tour0 km, 0 h
10.TagInverness Speyside tour180 km, 4 h
11.TagInverness Loch Ness tour110 km, 4 h
12.TagInverness - DurnessDurness, Faraid Head200 km, 4.5 h
13.TagDurness - InvernessSmoo Cave200 km, 4.5 h
14.TagInverness - Perth Scone Palace180 km, 3.5 h
15.TagPerth - Edinburgh Stirling Castle70 km, 2 h
16.TagEdinburgh City tour0 km, 0 h
17.Tagreturn journey Journey 
total  1480 km, 36.5 h

The length of the routes in kilometers and hours are partially estimated. The kilometer data are on 10km, the times rounded to half an hour. The travel time of the day trips (7th, 10th and 11th day) could not be determined correctly. Here a flat rate of 4 hours was scheduled.


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